My advanced human society understands how to search & find data on other dimensions; as well, we can travel if they're compatible.
For years all we've found was data indicating dimensions with totally different laws of physics and chaos, many without space as we know it. Finally, we've found a dimension that shares our laws of physics (bear with me, this is for a young adult short story), and is composed entirely of just expanded "space," no matter.
While it would be prepared for gravity, there are no gravitational waves. While it would be prepared to accept the presence of electro-magnetism, light, etc., it doesn't exist.
We are traveling there to explore it, in a ship similar to a sleek space shuttle.
What are the ramifications when we arrive, presenting this empty universe with matter, gravity (our mass), light (from inside)? And what, if any, additional protections would our shuttle need?
I am putting this as science-based only for the part where a space shuttle arrives in a universe like ours, but with nothing in it. I realize the initial scenario of a mass-less universe is not science-based.