Just to be complete, remember that there are grounds to discriminate based on bona fide job related requirements. For example a 95 lb woman, no matter how dedicated, is unlikely to become a firefighter because applicants need to pass a physical that includes carrying heavy equipment and simulated casualties up ladders and down ladders. A person who is colour blind will be ineligible for jobs requiring the ability to see colours, and so on.
Being able to greet customers during the daylight hours, and perhaps more importantly, not killing them and drinking their blood could be considered important parts of service jobs like banking, and you as the HR director can politely explain the situation to would be undead job seekers. You are also protected to a certain extent by employment law in this regard (so long as the requirements are "bona fide" and equally applied to all job applicants), so ensure your terms and conditions of employment are clearly spelled out and are unambiguous.
I might also suggest putting garlic, white roses and silver crucifixes around all ATMs and night deposit boxes in case the Vampires decide to take this out on your customer base as well....