I am not a native speaker, so please forgive my errors.
Our space federation A is currently in the fiftieth year of a limited war with the alliance B, and the control of the K sector will greatly improve our position in this war. Our scout fleet has already surveyed the star systems in the sector, and found that most planets in these star systems have no life forms. The exception to this is the third planet in Sol system. That planet, Terra, has already developed a great industrial base and would be a perfect logistics depot and repair base.
However, to take advantage of that, it would be better to have the local inhabitants cooperate in a peaceful manner. Negotiation with the highest governing body of Terra, the Security Council, was going smoothly, but a blunder on our part has made them wary: they know that we are at war and wish to use their planet as a base.
They want to have closer interaction with us and learn the secrets of our technology, but do not want to be involved in a dangerous space war, as they have nowhere to run if their planet is attacked. Both federation A and alliance B will respect their neutrality if they stay out, but the one with Terra cooperation will control this strategic sector.
Like British and American cooperation in WW2, Normandy may fail, but with American resources and Britain support, other invasions will happen, and some will succeed eventually.
The main fleet of both sides will take some years to reach Sol, but our intelligence says that B has got wind of our negotiation and will try to sabotage the deal. We have got 1 month to seal the deal before B decode the Terra language and make a better deal with them to stay neutral or sided with B. What should we do to get Terra on our side?
- Terran know there is a limited war in their sector, so they assume the galactic situation is not totally peaceful, there are different factions, but the political climate is "warm" with limited war and inter galaxy law, not "hot" with total war and no law.
- There is a galatic UN-like organization that ensure neutrality of third parties, which Terran is currently not know of. But if A omit this in negoiating, B will try to contact and fill the blank to sow distrust in Terran and A. To prove their argument, B can simply help Terran reach the public communication channel of galatic UN, and A will have a hard time to deny the general information and policy of UN.