The scenario; suddenly a modern human world finds their nice, simple, understandable spherical world/solar system going poof overnight, and it being replaced by a mine-crafting plane world. Everyone there was [transposed?] to the transformed world/universe, continents unwrapped and applied similar to unwrapping a globe without massive continent stretching. This world extends in the cardinal directions until infinity, and is stable. The how and why this happened is unexplained (and really cheeses off the scientists of the world). Everything that's man made in “orbit” simply falls down (really sucking for some astronauts). The sun and moon, however, still appear at their regular intervals, driving most remaining scientists to drink.
The terrain beyond the “explored” parts of the world appears to be completely new, with new flora and fauna being observed not even a handful of miles beyond the “borders.”
After the requisite upheaval of society and its reformation, some enterprising corporations and/or governments decide that there might be gold in them-theiar hills. The land “near” established areas certainly has a high premium in terms of value, but it is realized that there’s literally an infinite amount of it out there, if you could only get at it.
This presents a problem for exploring/prospecting/generally getting “there”;
Boats work ok for areas that can be reached by water, but are unsurprisingly not that good at crossing land masses
Planes can travel pretty far, pretty fast, but without a prepared landing area no pilot wants to set down, limiting how far out they can go before they have to turn around and come back the hard way.
In this new era of exploration, it is determined that expeditions are well served still by wagons … big, metallic, monstrous, possibly-nuclear-powered wagons. My question is:
What form do these expeditionary ‘wagons’ look like?
Are they single monolithic vehicles or a hive of smaller ones? Do I stick an oil rig on treads and call it done, or get ten thousand Ford Broncos? They should be built with more or less modern technology and avoid hand-wavium where possible. The goal of these vehicles and their expedition is to take men and materials out into the wilds, traveling for months and possibly years, with all the potentially heavy tools they would need for exploration and survival (and depending on which government, come back.)
The main issue is do the expeditions invest in one massive factory vehicle that can, for example, have a built in oil drilling platform and hydroponics? (Ex; aircraft carrier on wheels.) Or do they take hundreds of smaller specialized vehicles? Or something else entirely? I would like logical reasons for avoiding investing heavily sea and air travel for these expeditions, but if the reasoning is overpoweringly pro-water or pro-air travel I can accept that too, but would like the reasoning.