It's easier to Dodge a bullet!
In order for the reaction time to be fast enough to avoid a bullet, we will have to increase the speed of nerve conduction from a certain speed, measured in meters per second, to a speed close to the speed of light. Metal cores and sheathed nerves would meet this requirement. Then we will have to replace the slow diffusion signaling mechanism of the nerves with something much faster... So instead of relying on chemical diffusion, we could have a mechanical connection between the nerves. This may be a mechanism in a transmitting neuron that, upon receiving an appropriate electrical signal, rotates by a certain amount and that is physically connected to a sodium gate that also relies on rotation to be opened. Mechanical coupling means that the transmission speed will not occur at the rate of chemical diffusion ( the average speed of a nerve impulse is), but at the speed of sound in the connecting rod. ( the speed of sound is )
By reducing the reaction time of the brain and nerves, the main limiting factor will be the muscles and body. Mammalian muscles are relatively slow. Although there are some things that can be done to speed up the speed of muscle contraction and reaction time. The problem is that it is unlikely that the muscles will be able to contract at a rate much greater than we have in normal muscle fibers. However, there are alternatives.
The nature of the muscles is such that they should contract gradually, a few micrometers at a time, but when relaxed, they can stretch much faster by external forces. So to maximize the speed at which the limb can bend, we can increase the ratio of joint to muscle and joint to load, so that less effort is applied, but applied faster. In addition, in the directions most likely to evade, we can completely replace the muscles and replace them with a highly elastic combination of muscles and ligaments. In a stressful situation where rapid movement may be required, the stronger antagonist muscle will contract along with the weaker agonist muscle, stretching the elastic ligament. Then, if it is necessary to evade, the corresponding antagonist muscles can be deactivated, resulting in the stored energy in the elastic ligament being applied to the joint much faster than the muscles are capable of on their own. In addition, it would be possible to have both a powerful antagonist muscle and a smaller muscle-elastic ligament in each direction of movement to provide two "gears" for each direction of movement, slow and powerful, and weak but fast.
Yes, this Superman capable of successfully dodging bullets is unlikely to look like an ordinary person. After all, muscles have mass, and the smaller the mass, the easier it is to move. Instead, expect to see a creature with long, thin limbs and a thin body that looks more like a gray alien than a human.
However, despite its apparent slimness and fragility, this creature could not only Dodge with superhuman speed, but could also be an incredibly dangerous martial artist. Although its limbs could weigh half as much as the average human, it could reach a limb speed perhaps ten times that of a human. Given the ratio between the impact energy, mass, and speed equal to e = 1/2 MV^2, half the mass is equal to half the energy, but ten times the speed is equal to a hundred times the energy, for the total impact energy is fifty times greater than that of a human. This slender, lanky, and frail-looking creature could literally kill a man with a single blow.
Of course, this creature's adaptation requires it to be aware of a potential attack in order to evade it. When threatened, he crouched, and his muscles tensed, keeping his limbs half-bent as he stretched the elastic ligaments. He could see the nearest enemy's finger on the trigger, or see the flash of a shot from further away, and within milliseconds he could deactivate the enemy's muscles, elastic ligaments Contracting to take him out of the line of fire.
Of course, if this creature were caught flat-footed, it would not have the advantage that energy would accumulate in its elastic ligaments, and given the likely energy needs associated with keeping the elastic ligaments stretched, it would not be able to walk with them permanently pre-stretched. In this case, it would be much more likely that he would be hit by an incoming bullet, although he may be able to achieve a less serious hit.
If you still need to withstand a bullet hit.
That means that they are made of parallel fibers optimizing their ability to pull along their required vector. Along this angle, you can punish them all you want with a relatively small risk of injury. However, bullets tend to hit the muscles on the sides, which allows them to squeeze between the muscle fibers with relatively little force. If the muscles were woven more like Kevlar, they would be extremely difficult to penetrate. Unlike thicker or harder muscles, woven muscles will not significantly reduce flexibility, but you may suffer a slight decrease in the pull force, since you are no longer pulling straight.
Perhaps the best option for a natural armor that doesn't seem less human would be to strengthen your person's entire body with a Dura mater .
The Dura mater is the outermost protective membrane that covers your brain and spine. It is exceptionally strong, flexible, and made from irregular cross-woven fibers. A report from the new Jersey public health system shows that the Dura mater of rats can withstand 1.3 million Pascals of stress, which is a lot, especially considering their size. By layering the Dura mater between your skin and striated muscles, your person will look, feel, and move very much like an ordinary person, but when fired from a small-caliber cartridge, the Dura mater fibers will distribute the impact across a large cross-section of the muscles instead of allowing it to simply pierce between them. With distributed impact, your muscles can do what they do well and contract.
By distributing the impact over a larger surface, you would probably tear the skin, many bruises, and some serious muscle inflammation after being shot, but the bullet would be much less likely to be able to hit the main organs.
Astaxanthin ( having a predominantly red hue ( red pigment), similar to the color of watermelon pulp. ) is a type of mountain algae.
This type of mountain algae fully survives at low temperatures and interaction with ultraviolet radiation.
Having red skin color with astaxnthin pigments can help survive high levels of UV radiation.