That's easy. A culture which does not value the advantages that an Industrial Revolution would bring more than it dislikes the disadvantages/costs of an Industrial Revolution. Consider how the Industrial Revolution (IR) played out in western civilization. Pay diverged widely from the actual value of the work being done because society saw people using machines as 'not doing real work' and not being as deserving of compensation in scale with the value they created through their use of machines. This had tremendous consequences that are still affecting us to this day.
For instance, factory owners refused to pay adolescent workers a wage which would make them able to raise a family. This was new. This was catastrophic. The lower class was put into a position such that if their adolescent children had a baby (which was how it worked for tens of thousands of years), people would literally starve to death, either the baby or someone else in the family. This invented, for the first time ever, a practical need for families to treat adolescents as second-class people and to try to suppress their sexuality (since they had no widely available effective birth control).
That required a monumental amount of change in society. Sexuality wasn't just something you could start telling adolescents to ignore. They grew up with their life suffused with sexuality from the day they were born. Only the high upper class had separate bedrooms, everyone else slept, and screwed, in common rooms. Since there was no danger of children procreating, and no significant near-universal danger of adolescents procreating leading to starvation or privation, sex was seen as just a bodily function, and not something one hid from family or friends. So not only did adolescents need controlled, but children, for the first time ever, had to be separated from sex.
So, as a matter of self-preservation, most all of society set about trying to destroy sex. Home architecture changed, with bedrooms separating children and adults being introduced. The church, with the help of the opportunistic medical profession, started teaching about the moral and physical lethality of masturbation. The only thing in the Bible that could be loosely interpreted as having something to do with masturbation was the story of Onan, and that was always taught as "see what happens if you disobey an order from God", but it was re-framed as "see what happens if you spill the seed" and then generalized to cover all forms of masturbation for everybody. Then the doctors piled on and assured everyone it would make you go blind, grow hair on your palms, turn you insane, then kill you.
Families started trading children because they feared they would not be able to beat their own children savagely enough to control them ('save' them). Art had to be censored or, mostly, destroyed, with the Victorians famously destroying so much historical artwork that to this day people think prudery pre-dated the IR (Pompeii shows us different, however, preserved where they couldn't get at it - penis-shaped door-knockers, vagina windchimes, pornographic frescoes in the public buildings, sex toy shops in the merchants area, erotic statuary on the street and all). Schooling had to be extended, as many factory owners simply didn't want younger workers, and the machinery made everyone so productive that fewer jobs were needed to meet the same demand, so 'high school' came about, along with the very beginning of treating adolescents like large children.
And that's just a small part of how it affected sex! (I used that because it's the area I'm most knowledgeable about) Society also changed massively by switching from expecting every product to be a unique thing, most often personalized, and available in a large variety, to a much smaller range of items being available in larger numbers and all mostly cookie-cutter identical. A cultural reverence toward artistry and craftsmanship could hold back an IR for a long while.
Every social change has costs and disadvantages alongside any benefits it provides. You can only choose to accept or reject both as a package. Obviously, it's not really "choice" and whenever I say "society" did something, I do not mean to imply some grand conspiracy or even widespread conscious action. That's just how the actions of as large and heterogenous a group as 'society' is spoken of (when I talk about these changes, people often misunderstand and think I'm talking about some kind of Illuminati guiding civilization... I'm just talking about cause and effect. Pressures are put on a group of people, individually they work with what they have and try to solve their personal problems, and on the large scale, "a society makes a choice").