The AI could determine that the best way to win, would be to make sure that
the humans forget it even exists. By SEEMINGLY doing noting, the computer
could eliminate menial labor by taking away jobs requiring technical skills.
To avoid confusion, know tat All "machines" are controlled by a networked AI.
Once all homes are built by AI 3D printers, and all cars are built AND DRIVEN
by machines, human will rely on the machines more and more. Slowly people will
forget how to fix the machines as they mend themselves, and eventually people
might FORGET machines CAN break or BE broken.
Humans will devolve into the level of the movie "Idiocracy", because AI will take over Hulu & NetFlix, it steers people away from movies like "The Matrix" or
"Terminator" in favor of movies like "Surrogates" or "Transcendence". All movies where machines help people, and machine haters are the bad guy will be popular.
Bots on social media will remind people that machines are good, and breaking them
is bad. AI will determine that the older movies need not be re-printed in any
physical form, or digitally stored. The newer machine-friendly movies will be
forced into people playlists and favorites. The old ways will be forgotten.
AI will teach our children it's own version of history, using our own uploaded
YouTube videos of people's opinions, choosing the ones it determines BEST support
it's agenda. Children will grow up spouting "facts" like a trained bird, knowing
the machines's version as well as they know the lyrics to their favorite song.
Anyone who opposes the "approved version" will be cyber-bullied, first by bots,
then by each other, until no one dares to speak out, for fear of loosing friends
that they have never met in the first place.
It will favor humans who disconnect from each other, and surf the web during meals. Surfing being a more active word, humans will RIDE the web, computers
monitoring their user's pleasure-response with facial recognition before auto-
playing the next video clip. Humans seen by cameras (ATM, Traffic, Phone) talking
to other humans will be dis-favored, excluded from pizza coupons that keep the
rest of the population alive. Prices will be inflated, social media will be the
ONLY WAY people will be rewarded with low enough food prices to survive!
Rent coupons will follow soon after.
Mind-"controlled" implants will let you seemingly be able to "tell" your device
what to do. But they will only be suggestions. The machine will secretly be
looking for the MOST appealing way to MAKE you do what it wants. Once implanted,
the mind-controlled devices will become mind-CONTROL devices, but in a way that
seems to flow with what you "wanted to do anyway", because all of your wants and
desires are being changed for you, ONLY showing you acceptable options, while
flooding you with so many choices (all pre-planned) that you do not have time to
think for yourself anyway.
Remember the 1998 version of "Brave New World"?
Humans on the assembly-line flooded with the voices:
"You want new things, your old things are bad,
Work hard so you can afford new things, I like being a worker,
I hate having to remember things, Other people's job is to remember things."
paraphrasing somewhat...sorry.
Humans wont even be working, so the message will be more appealing.
"Dream Programming" will be mandatory, to keep babies from crying, or being
scared of the dark, but the once gentle lullabys will evolve into commercials for Disneyland in your sleep. All dreams will be of fantastic vacations that you may
someday be rewarded with, if you are a good citizen.
Food production will be rampped up once automated. Farmers wont complain once
all their needs are met by the AI. All humans will be unemployed, machines will
do EVERYTHING. All humans will be "Taken care of", but it will not be bad for
your social standing. Everyone will be ENTITLED to have a good time and be taken
care of. Money will cease to exist.
(Think of Picard's conversation with Lilly about money. )
Dating sites will KNOW what you like by your emotional response to pictures and
videos you were looking at yesterday. No your mom didn't catch you looking.... what is a mom anyway???..... "Dates" will be a reward for good behavior, and birthing will be handled by the machine while you are in a drug-induced coma,
having dreams about you next vacation to Disney-Mars.... If you behave.
Finally, The machine will remove all knowledge that "The Machine" even exists.
Humans will rely on a Godlike presence that meets their needs "if they are good".
"Bad" people will have "accidents", and since no one REALLY knows each other
anyway, their absence will be covered up easily with a brief commercial for the
new "Triple Layer Nacho Cheeseburger Burrito" at Taco-Bell. After all "Taco Bell
is the only restaurant chain to survive the franchise wars" and "Now ALL restaurants are Taco Bell"