I previously asked about a rogue solar system, ejected from the Milky Way and set on a course for Andromeda. After millions of years, arrival is imminent - now, the inhabitants who had been in hibernation for a fraction of that time wake up, and have to quickly find a way to stop their system in the galaxy, or risk being cast into the void forever.
How would my characters accomplish this exactly? This is obviously super speculative, super theoretical kind of stuff. My idea is that the civilization that set their course millions of years ago targeted several celestial bodies in Andromeda that by encountering them will hopefully slow the system's velocity in order to get captured in Andromeda's gravity.
In this case I am planning the conflict to be that they need to find a way to correct the course to make sure they don't miss - in which case I need some kind of technology capable of moving a whole system - something that has been dormant that the newly awakened characters just need to figure out how to activate.
So, will I need to go full sci fi hand waving, or is there some sort of technology I can use to slow them down? I'm not sure if my understanding of orbital mechanics is right, that you can do a "reverse slingshot" maneuver.