Assume, for just one moment, that someone has managed to break the barrier needed to turn Earth's moon into Earth Jr. In other words, give it an Earthlike atmosphere and oceans. This scenario was discussed at length in Alternate History Hub's What if the Moon Was Habitable? However, there is one oversight in that video that remains unmentioned: How would a habitable moon affect luminosity?
Today, the moon is bright, but the sun is 400,000 times brighter. With no water and a very thin atmospheric density of 100 molecules per cubic centimeter, it has a pretty low albedo, or ability to reflect sunlight off the surface and back into space. But if, somehow, we were to give Earth's moon a more Earthlike atmosphere, seas and greeneries, would that make nights on Earth brighter or darker? In either case, by how much?
answer? $\endgroup$