I am writing an alternate history timeline about a habitable Venus. On Venus are two species very similar to humans. They are Machos and Divas; they live on opposite sides of the planet. Both Machos and Divas are all dark-skinned due to increased sunlight.
Macho men are like human men, only with more extreme sexual dimorphism. They are larger, more muscular, hairier, and have higher testosterone levels than human men. Macho women also have extreme sexual dimorphism. They are smaller and curvier than human women. They are also hairless below the neck and have very high estrogen levels. Macho men go through puberty around age 14 while Macho women go through puberty around age 5. More importantly, Macho men have normal human intelligence while macho women are mentally-challenged (they can't understand middle-school level topics) and are very obedient. Macho women are generally domestic servants, surrogates, maids, cooks, sex workers, seamstresses, and waitresses. Most other jobs, especially careers requiring major physical or mental capability, have to be done by Macho men (or robots). Even jobs that are viewed as "women's work" in real life like teaching, daycare, and nursing, are done by men in Macho society.
Diva women look androgynous compared to human women, and Divas in general have less sexual dimorphism compared to humans. Divas have short scalp hair, but lots of body hair. Diva men look similar to human men, but they're wider due to larger muscles and body fat. Diva women possess high cognitive intelligence, but low emotional intelligence. Diva men are mentally-challenged and are very submissive, similar to Macho women. Diva men do all of the dirty, dangerous, and demeaning jobs; along with all other physical jobs, adult entertainment jobs, and unskilled labor jobs. Diva women do everything else that requires brainpower.
How would natural selection, sexual selection, or any other biological factors cause one sex to possess much greater intelligence than the other? Assume that the Divas and Machos have a similar evolutionary history to mammals. Answers that involve genetic engineering or artificial selections by aliens aren't acceptable.