What would be a suitable choice for "infantries" (the quote unquote is because it is not necessarily a real person, possibly just a rover with a gun doing the job of a footsoldier) for this following setting? the general background, especially the technology, is a bit messy with a mix of near, mid and far-future tech that I'll attempt to outline below (for example a capital ship in the setting belonging to the state might have a antimatter beam-core engine while it's missiles are methalox/Metallic Hydrogen rockets launched from a coilgun and communicating with other ships with lasers then gitting a reply with neutrinos)
1: The function of the civilisation being discussed (hereby referred to as the state)'s infantry is much like today's, namely fighting in buildings, tunnels, forests etc where armor and artillery is either unavailable or need some support, alongside with holding these regions
2: The opponent is also human, however as they're interstellar colonists who had no contact with the state for roughly three hundred years, the state is as familiar with them as the Aztecs are familiar with the conquistadors. They relies on infantry far more than it does on armored vehicle or artillery (if this sounds awfully world war 1 to you, you're absolutely correct, because the vast majority of their wars are either purely space combat or really didn't call for more than infantry). They have little automation so robotic enemies are out of the question. Their infantry is protected either very poorly with little to no protection at all, with heavy armor that would be considered NIJ standard type IV armor by modern standards, or force fields that could be depleted with 20 hit from 12.7s while being armed with star wars Blaster-like weapons. Their force fields could stop a single EMP or electrocution attack by taking it for whatever it is protecting once and getting disabled as a result.
3: The infantry (alongside with anything that is intended to be used on the surface) is deployed using Project Orion style dropships capable of landing with large payloads around 200 tons. However due to the fallout of detonating nuclear devices as thrust, the infantry may only leave while inside their IFV or APCs (which also means that unless otherwise specified, the infantry is always expected to have their vehicle somewhere nearby to support them)
4: The state as a whole utilizes only technology that would be considered unobtanium at most (for example a Kerr-Newman black hole on a vessel is fair play but a lightsaber is not), handwavium is avoided with the possible exception of negative mass
5: while most of the fighting is on shirt-sleeve habitable planets, it is also required to be able to function in non-habitable environments such as a methane atmosphere (though it does not have to function in vacuum)
6: The state considers it's army (space force not included) to be largely expendable in the sense that they would try to force the enemy into attrition warfare if it believe it could win one, does not care much about public relationships (this is after all a totalitarian regime), and draws from a larger overall manpower/resource pool than it's opponents possibly could. However when on the offensive they tend to have less units immediately available due to having rather expensive transport costs, therefore superior individual performance is desirable
7: the state has very capable and portable power sources that could be scaled down to infantry use in the range of 10-30 megajoules per kilogram
8: Powered armor(or exoskeleton, depending on how yo classify them) exists, they could provide a large amount of power to the soldier's equipments, and the state could afford to equip a large amount of it's soldiers with them. However they are much less capable than astartes. They are capable of boosting mobility and firepower but anything that will cause a individual soldier to be heavier than 235KG will not be accepted, in order to not collapse the floor/stair they might be standing on (if they can't enter a building safely than there's no reason for them, why not bring in a tank?). They only provide armor in critical areas such as the chest, and no radiological protection beyond what is expected from a HAZMAT suit (although this does make them impervious to chemical weapons). On the other hand they are notably un-bulky compared to the traditional image of powered armor, appearing simply to be a slightly higher soldier (the closest example I can think of is Iron Man)
In responce to the situation being described above, what could the state's infantry be primarily armed with? (Just the "assault rifle", more specialized weapons such as anti-armor is a totally different issue, which I also happen to be more confident in)
(At GMT time June 19th, this post was reopened despite the author having already reposted according to a senior member/moderator's advice, and the second post seems a lot better answered.)