Reliability & Failure Awareness
I did a job once that involved taking a tour of the control room of a nuclear power plant, and much to my suprise, there was virtually no computers in the whole thing. They explained that they have no plans in the future to ever switch to a computerized system because so many other power plants that did proved to be far less safe and reliable, and they represent major vulnerabilities in the country's infrastructure.
When you are dealing with a system where failure is not an option, computers can do more harm than good. When you place a computer between a sensor and that sensor's output, that computer becomes an unnecessary point of failure. If the computer gets hacked, then you could be forced to shut down a reactor for days or even weeks to diagnose a problem that is not actually there. Or worse, a glitch could cause your system to fail to alert you that your reactor is about to melt down. While a sensor failure is mostly a non-issue for most practical purposes, when millions of lives or a multi-billion dollar starship is at stake, they can not be allowed even once.
Part of what makes those old school control rooms look the way they do is that each system gets 4 redundant sensors for every single function. If one sensor goes out, the remaining sensors can continue to confirm the proper functionality of the system, but more importantly, if one is just mis-reading, the other 3 can catch the miscalibration where a single sensor system would appear to still be working while giving the wrong information. Because each sensor is on a seperate circuit connecting to each output, there is no chance that a single point of failure will cause all 4 to fail at once, but when you put a computer, network of computers, or even un-networked computers running identical software between them, it's much easier for something to go wrong to make all 4 simultaneously give a false result.
The War impacted Culture to always demand verifiable operability
In our culture, the first generation of PC users were children who (as children do) believed that nothing can or will ever go wrong until proven otherwise. They did not care if a PC could prove that it was working right because the idea that it might not work right was far from thier minds. So, all those lights and durability features on early mainframe computers just seemed unnecessary. They did not market well; so, they were removed in favor of the "smaller is better" mentality.
However, in your setting, the first generation of PC users were not children. They were the millions of paranoid veterans returned from war having come back from seeing thier buddies turned into stardust over cyber warfare and system failures. So, they came back with a military devotion to making sure thier tech is never compromised, and that software must never be trusted 100%. If thier PC does not have 4 LEDs directly tied into the power supply to make sure it is functioning to spec, they don't trust the computer at all. If there are not physical gauges on the computer reporting CPU, Memory, and Disk loads, then they don't trust that the computer is actually running as it says it is. After all, Windows Task Manager is just software, and software can lie to you.
If you consider that each key system should have 4 sensors and a basic PC has many possible points of failure, it's easy to imagine this mentality requiring the front of a PC to be covered in status lights, even if the other hardware specs are exactly identical to modern PCs. Basically, all those blinking lights become a marketing tool to make the average consumer feel more confident about buying your product. The Reliability mentality also extends to the physical shape of a PC. People want something that LOOKS like it won't fail; so, most consumers will pick the thing that looks like an armored safe over the thing that will save them a few square inches of table space, even if the case is just cheap plastic and mostly empty space.
Even a generation or 2 out, the sleek fad will still not have caught on because your world has one thing that ours did not. Parents well equipped to teach thier kids about computer safety and reliability. Computer aesthetics will still change as fashion does what it does, but the goal of computer design will remain to make something that looks trustworthy, not something that look cute.
Also: slide cell phones need to beat touchscreen phones to market
sleekness, lightness, touchscreens and voice controls, making things smaller and smaller and smaller - never really caught on ...
The thing about smaller and simpler with cellphones is that there is a very measurable and practical reason that smaller is better when designing a device meant to be carried with you at all times. There is no getting around the idea of a pocket computer being a good thing, but you can make them evolve differently.
The first touchscreen device was invented in 1970, but it was cell-phone companies that made them popular. Touchscreens were a total flop the first few times people tried introducing them because they are by nature slower and less ergonomic to type with than a keyboard and harder to achieve precise operations with than a mouse. But the demand to make a phone with more screen space was high enough to justify continued research and development. Touch screen phone were already around for almost 10 years before you start to see slide screen phones that could practically fill the same need. Most users preferred the slide screens when they came out, but Apple, which produced the most powerful cell phones, saw them as redundant and decided not to offer any phones with this feature. The end result was that people looking for the power to use thier phone like an actual computer had to use Touchscreen exclusive phones and people going for cheap did not want to spend extra on a slide screen, so the slide screen became obsolete almost as soon as it was introduced because it was the sort of unwanted middle option.
But, if the slide screen came first, then the first few touchscreen flops would have convinced the tech industry that touchscreens are too much of a risk to invest much further development into.