Titan is a shrouded moon, cloaked in a dense haze that obscures its surface to direct visual observation. Cassini, when it visited, had to rely on radar and near infrared imaging to see the surface [https://science.nasa.gov/mission/cassini/spacecraft/cassini-orbiter/imaging-science-subsystem/]).
As potential source of plot points for my world and others, I was thinking that would make it potentially quite easy to hide from prying eyes in the sky. On Earth, space is ultimate high ground and spysats are very effective. But on Titan, they'd need to rely almost exclusively on Radar and Infrared, and we already have tech that can work against those here on Earth.
I am not especially familiar with this aspect of military technology so the feedback I was looking for here is:
- (a) wargaming a potential counter for an opposing faction, assuming current levels of technology
- (b) other considerations/options for stealth I might have missed.
At least as I understand it, Titan's dense atmosphere would potentially make stealth very effective there and difficult to counter. Even crewed vehicles would be very hard to find from orbit if they didn't wish to be, and uncrewed ASAT launchers wandering the surface with minimal power would be very dangerous to anything in orbit.
Left to Right: Visible, Monochrome Infrared, False Color Composite (green is where Cassini can see down to the surface) https://science.nasa.gov/resource/cassinis-three-views-of-titan/
Location: Saturn's moon Titan (in setting it does have about the population of a mid-size city (3-4 million), with a colony beginning to establish itself)
Trying to avoid being detected: Ground vehicle (possibly automated)
Trying to detect target: Orbiting satellites (for simplicity assuming no ground detectors to work with)
Radar detection: I'm most hazy on this but as I understand this can be done by making use of radiation-absorbent materials.[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stealth_technology]
Infrared: This could be helped by leaving a gap between the outer layers and interior layers of the vehicle like the GTX Boxer [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stealth_ground_vehicle], which you would probably want anyway for insulation in Titan's frigid temperatures. Using nuclear/battery power would also help (and again would be practical on Titan regardless of stealth). Plus other measures like active cooling.
Edit: I had a very hard time picking an answer, since there was a lot of helpful ones. And I'm actually planning to use a combination of the suggestions here. Marked Mon's though since I am planning to use their suggestion and Pica's for engineering, Matthieu's for support infrastructure, and the considerations from Chris and Starfish. Like I said, if I could give an answer to all of you I would, but I can only pick one.