Larry Niven's RingWorld is supposed to do a complete revolution around its central star in a matter of days: about 9 days, assuming a ring of Earth size orbit, providing a 9.81m/s² "gravity" to its inhabitants.
But this means that its peripheral velocity corresponds to an earth orbit in 9 days instead of 365, so is roughly 40 times greater than the orbital velocity (and about 30 times greater than the escape velocity).
Until all is sections are attached together they have to be circling the sun at orbital speed. So you have to spin the ring after construction. How would you find the colossal energy for this? That would be 1600 times the kinetic energy of the Earth on its orbit.
And once the ring is in operation, how to you dock to it, given the stupendous peripheral speed?
Of course, if you find a red dwarf, you can make a smaller ring that is a lot closer to the star, and this seriously mitigates the problem, but there may be less energy available around such a star.