At first I was going to ask if a miniature person could live out of a 3x3(bodylength) cabin but I thought about a more pressing question: Would a tiny person need their own house if they lived in a giant(normal to normal sized folks) house?
For reference the person/character in question is 6 inches tall(and not positively or negatively effected by Square-Cube Law) , male, and around 30. He is of average health. The 'giant' house is not abandoned and is of acceptable living condition(Not dilapidated,not extremly unkept, heating/cooing is present, etc) and has resources like food, water, and medicine in relative abundance. Whether or not the resident(s) of the house know he is there and if they do, how much they care I have not fully figure that out, so factor scenarios of the homeowner knowing and not knowing.
So would a little cabin or house(maybe dollhouse) be needed or could he eek out a decent living without one?