I have a setting where I want the atmosphere to basically be filled, heavily and consistently, with a bunch of small, airborne bacteria-like cells/microscopic biomatter. For the sake of keeping the question focused on the effects of the actual environment at hand, let's disregard any and all effect these cells themselves may actually have on the inhabitants of my setting who are inhaling it so much, and just assume that they have no functional effect for now; they simply pass into the lungs and bloodstream, and then quickly decay or get disposed of.
What amount of this airborne bacteria/cells can I put into the air in my setting that the inhabitants breathe, without it being so heavily present that it literally "clogs" the breathable material in the atmosphere (or perhaps more importantly, without "clogging" the respiratory and circulatory systems that then have to deal with all of it). For example if I want inhabitants in my setting to inhale up to hundreds of thousands or even millions of these individual cells in a single breath, is that possible to design the environment to do, or is that simply too many of a bacterium-sized object to fit safely into the scale of a single breath?