The world of Pandemonium is a world in another universe where humans may exist, that is gravitationally connected to Earth in our universe. Over the course of history since the big bang, these universes have periodically collided, transferring organised matter from one to the other, including humans.
On Pandemonium, the science of genetics surpassed that of our society long ago, and genetic transhumanism has become the norm, in order to adapt the humans that live there to their alien environment.
One of the heritable transhuman adaptations that I am considering is a "gastric bypass". This is effectively a link straight through the body from the oesophagus to the rectum. The regular intestinal tract and the bypass are kept separate from each-other by sphincters that are under conscious control. The oesophagus, rectum and bypass are thickened and reinforced relative to the rest of the gastrointestinal tract in order to make it tough and non-absorbtive, for the purpose of allowing the person who possesses it to consume poisoned food or drink without absorbing significant amounts of the poison and without being impolite by refusing to consume the 'edibles'. Such suspect food would be stored in the gastric bypass prior to its expulsion undigested at a later time.
A secondary use for the gastric bypass is to allow the person possessing the bypass to be impaled through their body by a foreign object from anus to mouth safely and reasonably comfortably, where such impalement of a non-enhanced person would be fatal. This might be performed for purposes of identification, ritual and/or restraint.
What is the feasability of this gastric bypass system, and are there other factors and scenarios that I should consider that would affect its feasibility?
EDIT: Make it clearer that this is a genetically-engineered heritable trait, not surgery involving an engineered organ.