Okay, so I have these beings that are supposed to be able to alter their bodies and do it in such a way that they can make themselves and other practically immortal. But now I am needing to know how they are doing it so I know what other powers they might have. So my question on the surface is pretty simple. How much magic does it take to make someone immortal?
Now, on the surface, that question is simple: as much as I, the author, desire. However, I need to make it more complicated than that in order to keep my magic system properly balanced.
To start off, what kinds of powers do I know they have? Firstly, the magic system is based on a Catholic conception of what a soul is, and this is important. Souls being made up of an intellect and a will, the intellect is capable of comprehending and understanding the operations of the body, the truth, and anything else the soul comprehends, and the will is capable of... well, enacting it's will upon the physical world, altering it.
Secondly, in this world, I am going off the idea that the will does not emit energy in order to affect the physical world, but rather it alters matter on the quantum level determining actions which would otherwise be indeterminate. The will, in this theory, is capable of collapsing quantum superpositions and constraining the possible ways that those superpositions can collapse. Magic, then, operates by means of the intellect or the will or both expanding to encompass more things outside of the body. The idea is that the reason we can function is because the brain is essentially a quantum supercomputer, and because of the soul's ability to collapse wave functions, the nervous system is the part of the body that the soul most effectively manipulates and practically is the only portion the soul manipulates without either creating or destroying energy.
Now, in the case of biological magic, they are "expanding their soul" so that their will is capable of influencing another person's nervous system (in the same way they influence their own) and their intellect also expands so that they can comprehend the nervous system even being able to make conscious any area of activity that would otherwise be unconscious. The subconscious, in this setting, is also governed by the soul, but by a part which is called the form which constrains quantum superpositions in a regular manner and which determines how the intellect and the will is capable of interacting with them.
However it seems being able to consciously control your entire nervous system, or the nervous system of your neighbor, would not be sufficient for achieving biological immortality. Something else is needed.
However, there seems to be another part of the body heavily affected by quantum mechanics and that is the fluid in your sack. Brownian motion does appear to be governed by random (quantum) events and, maybe, if the biomages could govern the movement of fluids in your bod, they would be sufficiently capable of altering your genetic code to the point that they could make someone immortal. My idea is that by controlling Brownian motion they could move proteins and RNA any which way, potentially using the material within a cell to reconstruct the telomeres to reverse their aging.
My question is, would my mages be able to gain any form of immortality by controlling Brownian motion to such a degree that they could turn themselves immortal?
I want internally youthful immortals, not invincible immortals. They are immortals that age and then, 30 or so years down the line, they go to the bio-mage and have their biological clock reset etc... Etc... That's the idea. Would controlling Brownian motion be able to make people immortal in this fashion?