Let's say a super advanced robot "species" that are programmed to roam the galaxy and explore. They build gigantic structures similar to Dyson spheres, and ensure that they will survive to the end of the universe. Now, galactic center is packed with stars that are only light days from each other-Wouldn't be a good place for organic life (because of many reasons) but would it be a good place for machines like Giant spaceships, dyson spheres, any robots ? So many stars means a lot of energy -and if their goal is to take as much energy as possible , I wonder if it could be the best habitat for them- especially if they create more and more copies of themselves (thus- more energy needed).
However, I am aware of the solar flares, supernovas and other stuff that can potentially destroy not only organic life but electronics as well.So,the question: Could machines survive in the galactic center ?