Of course it's very obvious that blue stars are insanely hot and would boil away most things if they got too close. BUT I'm curious if with just the right adaptations and fiddling, could there, theoretically, be a way for life and water to exist on a planet orbiting a blue star? Perhaps if the planet is far enough and certain conditions are miraculously met, like ways to combat the intense UV rays emitted and the brutal heat for example.
If you need me to clarify anything, let me know.
Edit: I forgot to point the short span. Since we're already bordering on fantasy anyway, let's assume somehow, someway, a blue star was sustained long enough for life to form. I know this is really, REALLY stretching the suspension of disbelief, but I'm really curious about the quality of the possible life on a blue star planet and how far we can make it plausible.