So I have an armor that is virtually impervious to small arms fire, and am looking for inspiration and suggestions on an unconventional way to defeat said armor.
The armor is called Anti Thermal And Kinetic [ATAK] Plating. And consists of two subsystems: the underlining is a graphene layered material combined with a Talin based TSAM concept. Effect is a soft body armor material capable of being used for low pressure and full MOPP style bodysuits. It works by 'rigidizing' under kinetic force, dissipating the kinetic energy around the entire surface area and reduces the force ethat would break ribs and rupture organs to negligible levels, although it can still knock a target back as the armor itself will still obey newtons laws. It can repeatedly withstand up to 3 simultaneous .50BMG rounds impacting the same area.
The second subsystem is a metal plate with perfectly aligned atoms that has a macroscopic (really small, but not quite microscopic small) spongelike structure and has a ceramic filling, with a kevlar exterior to catch and absorb spalling and flak. The lining is used on all sides to prevent electrical conductivity to the underlining soft armor.
This forms a multipurpose hard armor that can easily absorb and slowly dissipate heat from Directed Energy Weapons. The ceramic 'filler' helps absorbs both thermal and kinetic energy. It also compacts in on itself under kinetic duress (where current hard armor is quite useless at taking multiple rounds in the same place, this armor is designed to compress and retain shape to extend the protection from a few shots to over double what we currently have, as well as inherently being much more impervious to kinetic impacts than current plate armor is. The plates structuring also helps absorb concussive forces from explosions.
Used in both standard infantry style armor and also powered armors with faraday EMP proofing, and 'hack' proofing via single purpose chipsets, AC venting only in helmet for oxygen but rest of suit uses a handwaved synthesized liquid-gel that is endothermic.
what kind of single person weapons platform could counter an armor and armor system designed to perfectly counter kinetic and thermal projectiles?
Thank you all in advance for your (undoubtedly) superior knowledge and thought processes!