I am currently working on a fantasy world, in which one city maintains a written knowledge base about all knowledge they have about the world. This knowledge base consists of dozens of tomes, each covering a specific subject (physics, biology, history, geography...).
Some of the inhabitants of the city travel across the world, to find new pieces of knowledge for the knowledge base, and occasionally return to the city to add the knowledge they found to the knowledge base, adding new pages to certain tomes, or even new tomes. Because of that, it's updated very often (about once every 10 days).
Updates can be as great as adding five new tomes about a recently-discovered continent, and as small as changing the name of the current king of a kingdom (or correcting typos).
Many people (let's say 1,500) have copies of one or more tomes of this knowledge base, and it's likely they want to keep it up-to-date. To do so, I have found two possible solutions (although there may be others, that may include magic):
Somewhere in the city, there is a "reference copy" of the knowledge base. In each copy of each tome of the knowledge base, there is a spell that "updates" the tome whenever the reference tome is modified, by adding pages, changing the text, etc. (a bit like our Wikipedia). When a new tome is released however, the spell doesn't "teleport" it, and the tome needs to be bought in the city. This solution will make the tomes more expensive.
The books don't update by themselves, and the owner of a tome has to go to the city and ask for its tome to be updated, which can happen in various ways. The old tome will probably be exchanged for a new one, and its components (paper, ink, cover) will later be reused, maybe to print new tomes for the knowledge base. This is the cheapest solution, as it allows recycling the materials from old tomes.
However I neither know if they are the best ways to do it, nor which solution I should use.
Which way should copies of the knowledge base be keept up-to-date?
The knowledge base aims to provide a reliable source of up-to-date information about all knowledge gathered by the city. Updating a copy of one of its tomes should (ideally) not be too difficult.
The world has antiquity- and medieval-level technology, but the city that makes the knowledge base has developed more advanced technologies, such as the printing press, and has a very wide knowledge of magic.
The paper used in the books is made from a plant, and is therefore renewable; it can be recycled into new paper. The ink comes as well from plants, and can be reused once separated from the paper, which can be done with the use of magic. Paper and ink should not be an issue, although waste should be avoided.
About magic
The way magic works is quite complex. To make it simple, it is based on swapping two areas of the world that have the same shape (generally small areas, such as a glass of water and air, or a sheet of paper and air), with no limitation of distance and at the speed of light, and on creating invisible tangible surfaces (that can be used, for example, to create a protection shield, to guide an arrow, etc.). With these two basic elements, almost any effect that acts on matter can be created (such as removing a page from a book, or teleporting somebody).
It is also possible for a spell to store values (like a position, a message, etc.), and two different spells can communicate with each other.
Spells can be stored in special crystals and remain active for any amount of time, thus allowing any effect to remain active indefinitely in any tome of any copy of the knowledge base.