I'm working on a somewhat* hard scifi story set in a solar system that contains a hot jupiter. Frankly building a large station in the shade (?) of the L2 point of the hot jupiter sounds metal, and I'm trying to think of why someone might want to build one.
Premise for the station
My tenuous thought so far, is to have the shaded L2 station specialize in sending mining drones to the nearby L4 and L5 points and mine carbonaceous asteroids that accumulate there. Then use the high levels of solar power, to refine those into carbon nanotubes via laser ablation for spacecraft production. The L2 station serves as a dropoff point for those drones, and holds a significant sophont crew for their repair/maintence (electronics being subject to high wear and tear this close to the sun) and merchandising refined products. Power could be beamed from satellites orbiting the hot jupiter in a sun-synchronous orbit.
Setting Schpiel
There are at least two other habitable planets/moons elsewhere in the system, and technology wise a somewhat more advanced than us (none human). The basic premise is a worldbuilding project wherein the solar system, planets and other conditions conspire to make expansion into space significantly easier than here (more readily available mining locations, compact system, lower gravities, etc.). But the short of it: they have a larger space economy, but not too significantly greater tech.
I'm not an astronomer or a chemist, is there any egregious misunderstandings on my part? Would a hot jupiter L2 actually provide a shelter from a sun for the station?
Research indicates that hot jupiters suffer from significant atmospheric loss, creating an almost comet-like plume. See this question. I'm guessing any station at L2 will be squarely within this, would that be detrimental, beneficial, neither? What would the view look like from the station?
Some numbers for anyone curious
Star: 0.8 Solar Mass Orange Dwarf
Hot Jupiter: 1 Jupiter mass, 0.06 AU from the star, 6.1 orbital period, near circular orbit