What's the incentive?
Capitalists move for profit. It seems that genocide for the point of genocide is not very appealing to anyone, aside from rare cases such as Hitler (and even then he had some political motivation). And even if on a whim you decided to wipe the plebians from the planet Richie Mcrichface, killing billions of people seems to be quite expensive. Imagine the logistics of rounding up billions, feeding them until its their turn to get murdered, imprisonment, the electricity/gas/whatever method you use costs, not to mention if there are any "kind" capitalists who still hold regard for human life trying to stop you with their private armies. No, it seems like it would be a much easier, far less costly use of your time to lie back on your AI controlled massuse bed and forget that whole logistics nightmare (if you could even afford it in the first place).
Economic value
It seems to me managing and feeding and clothing the masses could be a quite profitable industy, and why would Trilli O'Naire disrupt her lucrative buisness for costly genocide?
Humans are still needed, even if it is for psychological reasons
Me personally, I wouldnt trust a far superior hyperintelligent AI to manage everything, if I wanted a therapist, I'd rather have a human than some hunk of metal that simulates human emotion. I also couldn't sleep at night if the one managing my estate was a robot, rather have kill switches installed in all of them, and have humans managing my fleets of ships (though I don't trust them either, only I can authorize detonations).
Uses for a pleb
- Same pysiology as you, useful medical guinea pig.
- Sex workers
- Organ and bone marrow transplants
- They are still good at hard labor I imagine, sending them to labor camps is a much easier and profitable endeavor
- AI (in it's current form) only extrapolates from images to form new ones, or finds and replicates patterns, so humans are more "pure" when it comes to their creations
Human created goods are valuable
Now the crystal glasses in my cupboard work no matter if they are factory made or hand made, and in fact are likely to have fewer flaws if produced by an unfeeling AI, but those little imperfections, and especially knowing a master spent hours, or days to create it gives it more value (and bragging rights).
In a world where everything is robot made, human goods/human staff might become more valuble due to novelty.
Genocide is pretty bad
Uh... me and Billy O'Naire (yes the O'naire family once again) seem to agree that killing people is pretty immoral. Just because people have money doesn't mean that they're evil. It might lead to them being unaware and idiotic, and there might be a couple bad apples in the top 1% (more so than normal), but try and commit mass murder on an unprecedented scale and see what happens (pretty sure a few people will try to stop you at least).
Its the HUMAN race
The end goal of humanity is to mostly not go extinct, and so over reliance on robots might be pretty unnerving. I mean at the point where they are just superior to humans in every way, whats to stop the AI murdering everyone and taking over themselves? Sure implant killswitches and make sure they cant do anything, but who's going to maintain the AI (hopefully not the AI) or manage it (once again not the AI hopefully). No, you need humanity to stick around, so killing off ourselves for no reason seems quite unlikely.
Kill the ones with no use
Not to say that no evil will take place. Give a sufficient incentive, and you'll see that eugenics, localised genocide, hard labor and shipment off to space colonies of ships that might not make the journey will happen.