A request for the Department of Unconventional Cleansing and Annihilation: The Senatorium has decided that a fast acting glue needs to be created which burns its victims as they are trapped in the glue, making it easier for our Propaganda Crews to film their agony and teach Our Adversaries a Lesson.
Some of the nay sayers of the Senatorium have made claims that this may not be possible, these traitors have been immediately Executed for the Greater Good. Their complaint was that a glue is a bonding agent and any burning by an acidic or base material* may interfere with the bonding, forcing our Propaganda Crews to run after the heretical traitors in field conditions.
The question is as follows. After answering properly if a glue can simultaneously immobilize the traitorous heretic and burn them to death will you:
1: be executed for not providing us with the answers we seek like the traitor you are. You wasted valuable resources provided by the Grace of Our Glorious God-Regent, in debt we are to His Name, and shalt die a Painful and Public death as is the fate of all who stand in Our Way.
2: get to live another day, having paid your Debt to His Holiness for that day despite your heretical knowledge of the "sciences".
3: prove the tools are worthy and operational as you Cleanse Our Enemies and Earn your Citizenship°! Glory to you as you smite Our Enemies in Service to us all!
*we had like, a proper education such as Saluting the Flag, Reciting Our Glorious History, Proper Interpretation of all Sermons and singing Our Unified Anthem. We dont know the "sciency" name for stuff.
°would you like to know more? Join the army of our Glorious Democratic Free Federation Of Super Earth! Crush the Arachidea beneath Our Armored Boot! Burn the Unbeliever and the Heretic! Smite the Cult of Telekinetic Lasersword Wizards! Evicerate the vile Xenos! Citizenship guaranteed!