Speedy flock of monsters
I live in a small country. Ok, let's suppose this thing is 7 stories high and it eats humans.
And it is not the only one. He brought his herd along, which was 300 individuals at first. Some 15-20 meters each, a herd of predators the size of a brontosaurus approaches my small country.
Fast and unpredictable
The Germans tried to use cruise missiles against them last night and failed. These beasts are agile, they are not moving in straight lines, like military vehicles and ships do. The herd behaves like a flock of birds, roaming around for food. These monsters need about 1600kg meat per day.
The herd now moves toward us. They appeared to have crossed the Polish border yesterday evening and then they did Northern Germany overnight. Alarms were set off, NATO fighter jets were deployed, some monsters were killed but it required low altitude flight and agility to keep up with them. No actual practice was ever done by the military, chasing monsters 7 stories high, running at about 200km/h.
Danger of collateral damage in a small country
In Poland and Germany, the damage done by the military far exceeded the damage resulting from the flock's presence.
In our overpopulated small country, the collateral damage problem will be worse and that prevented a quick response with our guided artillery. About 280 monsters reached our small country at noon today. The herd passed the German border near Klazienaveen and the population was not prepared for that. These monsters don't walk straight, they roam around and steal cattle, ravage houses, eat people. Multiple Dutch villages got rampaged by them, 60 folks died and about 200 people were wounded. Some are still missing. Their break for dinner was 2 hours later where I live. I managed to escape one.
When drinking or eating, they would be sitting duck for heavy weaponry. But.. how to attack these monsters when they are having dinner where the meat is, that is in populated areas?
They passed
Some experts in herd behaviour were consulted by our government and a military strategy was devised. But late in the afternoon today, the herd had already passed the Belgium border in the south. The government decided to cancel the whole plan and let Belgium solve their issue.