According to Christian theology, angels and devils are beings of pure spirit and are immortal, impossible to kill.
There is a reason why there is an old saying that "fools rush in where angels fear to tread".
If you are familiar with the Ainur, who include the Valar and the Maiar (and maybe other groups), in the works of J.R.R. Tolkien, they are based on the angels in Christian theology. So in Christian theology angels have similar powers and limitations as the Ainur.
Of course angels can make bodies for themselves to use in the physical plane of existance if they wish. And those bodies are assembled out of particles of matter in the local envirnoment.
I believe that bodies made by angels and devils are not living any more than rocks or clouds or robots are. This may mean that even the physical bodies of angels and devils aren't alive and cannot die, let alone their immortal spirits.
But possibly an angel's physical body can be destroyed by a disintegrater ray or an atomic explosion or a blast of powerful magic. And possibly it might take an angel some specific period of time to make a new physical body. So possibly if an army of the physical bodies of angels is destroyed fast enough, there might be a period of time after all the bodies are destroyed and before the angels can activate new bodies. And posssibly the seconds or eons that period might last would be long enough for enemies of the angels to accomplish some or all of their goals.
I note that most angels are believed to be loyal to and obedient to the Christian God. So presumably they wouldn't fight agaisnt Jinns unless God Almighty commanded them to. And if the angels have God Almighty on their side, they should defeat even the most powerfull Jinns easily.
I note that devils are supposed to be fallen angels who revolted against God and follow The Devil. So if the angels in your story are devils, they could get in a conflict with Jinns which has no authorization and support from God Almighty, though the fallen angels might have some support from the less powerful Devil. Thus it would be uncertain who would win such a war.
I also note that it is possible that Christian theology doesn't mention all the groups of angels which might exist if the Chrisitan religion is true.
Maybe some angels have always been morally neutral.
Maybe some angels who fought against the rebellious angels later decided that God Almighty was a bad boss and quit working for him and started working for themselves.
Maybe some of the rebellious angels who fought for the Devil later decided he was a bad boss and formed their own group to work for themselves.
And somaybe there could be a war between some or all Jinns and some or all of the members of one, two, or three of those three hypothetical groups of angels.
Thus such a hypothetical group of angels that weren't followers of God Almighty wouldn't have the support of an omnipotent being in their war with the Jinns which would make it the odds more evem.
An d of course you should see what you can find out about angelology and demonology in Jewish theology and in Muslim theology, to see what possible weaknesses angels might have.