Ok, to do this, you're going to need to do some major-league planetary redesign work. In order to get lots of life, you need lots of water. Deserts are the areas with the least diversity and biomass, so they have got to go. Where mountains are causing rain shadows, knock them down to size. Where rain is falling but the clouds are not being replenished fast enough to water the downwind areas enough, build intermediary seas. It would take quite a bit of digging, but you have that zero-point drive after all, and it shouldn't take too long.
Another step you'll need to take along the way is to increase the atmospheric carbon content a little, without causing an excessive greenhouse effect - the global temperature is just fine as it is, thank you very much. Again, it is fortunate that you have the Zero Point Drive, so that as you un-sequester all that geo-sequestered carbon, you can move the world further away from the sun so that the increased greenhouse effect is countered by reduced solar influx. Take it easy with this step, you don't want too much more carbon dioxide suffocating your animals, nor do you want to reduce solar influx too much.
As the plants that you're growing sequester the carbon you've been digging up, you'll need to gradually dig up some more carbon. That's right, get it all out of the ground and into nice, living plants. Keep the atmospheric CO2 within bounds though.
Another issue is Oxygen - you'll want more of it. Fortunately, as you're increasing the biomass of photosynthetic organisms, producing a bit more shouldn't be too hard, and you can help it along if you want. Increasing Oxygen from 20% to 30% or so would do wonders for producing megafauna. Make sure that you aerate the seas nicely too. With that extra oxygen, bushfires will be a bit more frequent, but that will serve to help the carbon cycle keep going without too much getting sequestered again. It will keep your animals on their toes or other locomotory appendages too.
Now you have water everywhere you need it, more oxygen and extra carbon going into plants and animals, the next step is biodiversity. Fortunately, you have Deirdre Skye, who the OP's previous questions have established as an expert genetic engineer. Having performed the first steps, you'll actually have set yourself up to lose some biodiversity, so just genetically engineer the desert organisms so that they can tolerate more water. Once that's done, start in on other species, and make a few variations of each. Mix and match traits and set the critters loose to fight it out amongst themselves to see who gets to survive. Inject enough genetic variation within a species, and you'll probably find the species splitting all by itself as the widely divergent members begin to evolve in different directions.
Megafauna are easy to achieve if you have an expert genetic engineer on hand, though they aren't usually the fastest-breeding critters - at least if they are mammals. How about a few species of Giant Land Crab instead, you know, engineered to weigh in at around the one-ton range and eat pretty much whatever they can get their claws on? They breed in water, so they can have thousands of larvae out at sea, growing on a diet of plankton to a size sufficient to climb out onto land and begin eating everything. You might have to change their oxygen carrier and their circulation, but that's just a little thing, really.
I don't know about accelerated growth, some life-forms grow pretty fast already, and biological process are only so fast, you know, you can't make them much faster without chucking the whole lot out and starting again from scratch, and I'm sure that you don't want to spend that amount of time repopulating your biosphere. The extra oxygen should pep things up a little, anyway.