I've designed a race of humanoids for a standalone worldbuilding project, but I'm beginning to wonder how they could have evolved. They are very similar to humans, but differ in the following key ways:
- They are exclusively nocturnal, having the exact opposite circadian rythm to humans
- Their skin and hair totally lack pigmentation (yes, they do burn very easily)
- their eyes are totally black, allowing them to see in the dark very well, but in spite of this their colour perception is no worse than that of a human
- Their basic dietary needs are the same as those of humans, but the vitamins and micronutrients they need are different. Namely, their bodies synthesise their own vitamin C, but they must source significant quantities of taurine from their diet
- Their canine teeth are significantly larger than those of a human, but in all other respects their teeth are the same
- The males are about the same size as human men, but the females are larger than human women, meaning they have less sex-related size difference
- The males do not grow facial hair
- The mammary glands of the females only swell into breasts when they are pregnant or breastfeeding, with the females being effectively flat-chested the rest of the time
So, how could this species evolve? There are no humans in their world, so if they evolved from humans there must be a reason that humans went extinct but they survived.