We live in an age where cloning technology is close to being capable of bringing back extinct animals. Currently, there are research groups who are moving forward with efforts to clone the passenger pigeon and the wooly mammoth. A cloned wooly mammoth may have some difficulties learning how to be a mammoth, lacking parents to teach it things like how to best use its tusks to root for vegetables, but careful rearing can help the newborn effectively learn to mammoth. It will also seek the company of a group of other mammoths, being a social creature, but again this is a surmountable problem. Either we create a bunch of mammoths simultaneously, or else we integrate them into a herd of elephants until there's enough mammoths to make a herd of their own. Ultimately, they will likely have no problem in the longer term adapting to and becoming a part of the ecosystems of northern Canada and Russia.
Neanderthals, on the other hand, had a complex society similar to our own, and were thinking sapient beings who learned their way of life from their parents. Furthermore, while a mammoth will be perfectly happy wandering the tundra munching on bushes, a Neanderthal, particularly one which was raised by modern humans, is unlikely to want to be left to roam free in the great and open north any more than modern humans do.
How, then, would we best integrate cloned Neanderthals into the modern world? They're likely to sound and look different, eat way more food, and mentally approach society in a different way. What would be the best way to integrate them into our society?