Inspired by Chasly from UK's answer, and relying on the ability to predetermine the environment:
You have a long, dimly lit hall with a deep pit covered by a lid that will fall away once sufficient weight is placed upon it, say 40kg. At the end of the hall is a metal safe door with only an illuminated green button.
You prepare your experiment with an (apparently) unrelated individual being given a large sum of money, who is talking about how ridiculously easy it was for him to win it, before showing the subject the door to the hall.
Inside the hall, you show a video clip on a screen above the safe door stating (translated into the observer's language if necessary) "Press the green button in [n] seconds in order to receive your $10,000 prize.", replacing the [n] with a number counting down from, say 5, and the monetary figure with a similarly large amount in whatever the local currency is. Since the hall is fairly long, but apparently featureless, the person would have to run in order to reach the button in time, but since the floor is booby-trapped, the person falls to their death instead if they do so.
Don't make the sum of money unbelievably large, and make the run only barely achievable in the time allocated, and it is likely you'd get a lot of people running to their deaths trying to win it.
Without the ability to manipulate the environment and use an image or video to induce the subject to perform a fatal action, there is no way that an image could cause a fatality in the majority of those who see it simply because they saw it, and it caused a fatal mental state. The average human mind and body is too robust a system for that to happen, you could only get a few, rare, susceptible individuals.