This isn’t limited to lizard folk but humanoid reptiles in general. The most common mistake I see when designing females of a reptilian race is to give them human breasts and proportions, despite them not being mammals at all. X-COM Vipers are a good example of this phenomenon. This isn’t the best example since I remember them being part human according to the lore, but that is beyond the point. According to evolutionary psychology the eye for beauty developed to pick fertile partners. So how does this work for reptilians?
I’d like to establish a clear beauty standard that applies to reptile races. What’s attractive and why?
In humans wide hips make it easier for childbirth, which is why they are a decisive factor in picking a partner. Smooth skin and skin tone is a sign of health while symmetrical features show proper development. Long hair is also a sign of health. Slender waists serve to contrast and highlight other attractive features with nothing but a change of body proportions, essentially tricking the eyes into focusing on attractive features. Even butts, legs and feet can be attractive. I could go on and on about his, but with this logic in mind how would the reptilian eye for beauty develop?