We, the Chalnoth, have a very specific and in many ways superior understanding of leadership. Many consider us to be anarchistic because we use violence to make decisions, but the common definition of anarchy, the brutal chaotic lawlessness, is far from the elegance of the Chalnoth decisions making process. We are a lawful people with strict traditions which govern our violent decision making.
In order to obtain the absolute highest quality of decisions from our leaders, each decision must be made by the person more committed to their side of an argument than those all who oppose them. Only when equal commitment stands on both sides of an argument do we resort to conflict. In most cases, simply possessing the willingness to fight to a particular commitment level of resolution is enough to decide a matter.
I know, this is a complex subject and can be confusing to those who were raised under a less advanced system of governance. So perhaps an example will clarify matters...
At this year's planetary budget meeting, I jumped up at the very beginning of the proceedings and announced that the Science Division requires 1 billion credits to continue FTL research. As is appropriate in such moments, I concluded my demand with a statement of my commitment, "I am willing to bleed for this!"
The other division representatives at the meeting were less than happy with my massive funding request and select among themselves a champion to face me. Dalmyr, an old colleague of mine from gladiatorial school stood up and proclaimed, "I am willing to bleed to stop this."
If that is all that he had said then we would have moved to the combat ring and resolved the matter with swords. But the canny old fool decided to test my commitment. "In fact, I am willing to bleed five times to stop this."
That was quite a rebuttal. To take five open wounds in a combat ring before seeking medical aid is a staggering level of commitment. In any other situation, I would have backed down and my budget demand would have been ignored. Further, I would have been banished from the meeting for cowardice and a lesser member of the Science Division would have to defend our budget. But this was not a normal year for our division. Just that morning, our dilithium research team had brought me an amazing report and requested 800 million credits to verify their finding. My department needed that money. So my decision was not whether to stand in the ring or stand down in shame. I needed to measure my own level of commitment to our species' exploration of space. I could match Dalmyr's announcement by settling this in five wounds in the ring, or...
"I am willing to die for this!" a shudder rippled though the meeting room.
To his credit, Dalmyr matched my commitment and the fight which followed was legendary. I left the ring victorious, having taken far more than five crippling wounds, but my blade was soaked in the last blood of an old friend.
I had won.
I am now retired from active decision-making and will serve the Science Department in only an advisory position. There is talk that they may even name the first FTL starship after me.
It was a good day to win.