I was thinking about the concept of a little relatively simple creature with a maximum size of a few centimeters such as some beetles but with an "intelligence" similar to ants, with the capacity to turn to a liquid stage and return to its original form (or even other) at will, in a similar form as butterflies and other insects do during the metamorphosis, other animals to consider to develop the working of this creature are flat-worms and based in this other question, echinoderms can harden and soft their body and fianlly slime molds which can move together in a similar form to a high viscosity liquid.
I´m not sure about the utilities of this feature but I thought can be used to rest and rebuild tissues after an injury, or occupy difficult-to-access spaces. But is over all just a aesthetic concept but with some justifications.
So the general caracteristics of a the creature which I want to get would be: An original segmented body with exoskeleton like integument similar to arthropods, which could be solved to turn to the liquid the stage and be able to recreated again and stay as a living creature even in the liquid stage. The mechanism used to change between stages can be encapsulation or other (I not sure about the possibilities).
If a mechanism like this could work, how would do that? Speaking about biochemical and biomechanical mechanisms.
Then I will ask other questions that will derive from this, about a group of colonial beings with this liquid property and another about this ability used to get great anatomical changes.