I was inspired by a story that describes an event where many people die on a large industrial ship, and the 'cover up' story stated that the ship entered the 4th dimension, and when the ship appeared back in the 3rd dimension (visible to any normal person again), the crew were fused into the walls and mangled together, all deceased.
I want to incorporate the idea of these pockets of 4 dimensional space into my world, where you can enter an area and travel through the 4th dimension. Perhaps unintentionally to create a catastrophic event (like described in my inspiration story), or intentionally once people in my world understand how these pockets work.
My question is: how do these pockets form, realistically? In addition, would you be able to accidentally move into the 4th dimension, or would these pockets be obvious and observable from the outside perspective?
Just to clarify, in my mind I am thinking of 4 spatial dimensions, but in practice I don't think(?) it matters if the 4th dimension is spatial or temporal. Correct me if I am wrong here.