Anything is possible - but only if incrementally advantageous
As with all questions regarding evolution - there is no 'end goal' to evolution. Instead, every slight incremental change every generation must present an advantage at that time.
And by the way, the advantage at that time may not necessarily be utility or even survival, it could also be sexual.
This means we do often get strange evolutionary results that seem counterintuitive from a practical point of view (like peacock plumage) yet makes sense from a sexual point of view as it appears more attractive to a mate.
So in order for your 'evolutionary end point' to occur, the fusion of foot and hand must be slowly, incrementally based on our current anatomy, formed each generation presenting an advantage at each step:
- Using a base animal, such as a fish, would be easier. However let's assume we are working from humans.
- First we need the lack of need for arms and legs perhaps because they are no longer needed (such as we suddenly live virtual lives, have robots do everything for us, and find shorter people more sexy), hence their reduction over many generations as they are unnecessary, and more importantly, it is unsexy to have limbs.
- We need to however keep the feet and hands, perhaps only people who type at keyboards can procreate.
- Once the limbs reduce sufficiently in length, perhaps then the spine also reduces in length, allowing the closer proximity of hands and feet. Again, perhaps this is sexier, so perhaps people start looking like sexy teddy bears with fingers and feet poking out.
- Once the appendages are now in close proximity, perhaps we lose the distinction between hands and feet, and they merge. Again, maybe its sexy to see a human type with just one finger and one toe, and they have a lot of babies.
Long story short, there are quite significant amounts of alterations needed to achieve this, and every step along the way must present a sexy alternative, and yet not affect functioning. However, if anything shows us there is enormous variety of life on this planet from worms, to dinosaurs, to whales - so anything is possible given enough generations.
By the way if this happens, people would look a lot like sunfish, rather than people.