Is there any possible way that a hominid species could evolve into a human-like race that features males and females of the same strength and build? I still would prefer there to be an aesthetic differentiation between the two sexes, but when it comes to physical performance and size, both sexes would be equal.
The only way these hypothetical hominids could be told apart was through other instances of sexual dimorphism. Differences I had in mind (if they're possible) would include-
- Different hip and shoulder sizes between males and females, with males having broader shoulders and females having broader hips (Kinda like us).
- Females have visible, pronounced breasts whilst males don't (also like us).
- Facial features are slightly more rough and robust on males, such as the chin, cheeks, and brow, similar to the dichotomy of facial features we humans have between both sexes (again, like us).
Would it be possible for a hominid species like this to be capable of existing, and if so, what environmental pressures would it take to make them over the course of millions of years?