This is the sequel, per se, of Effects of Food With LIFE. After coming up with the initial premise and getting a very good idea of how humans would interact with living food, a problem came up: Would The Food Avoid Being Eaten or Embrace It? Specifically, would the food act on its survival instincts or would it put them aside?
My thoughts:
- When there is life, there is the instinct to preserve life. Thus, food possesses a self-preservation instinct. Furthermore, food instinctively knows A) that it is food, B) how popular they are as a food, among different groups of people (so empanadas would avoid Paraguayans, if I remember right), C) what they have to avoid (Ex: candy dissolves in water, so candy would avoid that), and D) what they can merge into and how they can reproduce (see the linked question above).
- When part of it is separated (Ex: cutting a slice from a cake), the matter is regenerated, but the food loses part of itself. This loss makes it proportionately weaker, slower, and dumber until it regenerates. Furthermore, the loss hurts, and it feels wrong (would you like someone taking part of you away? Yeah, I thought so). The exception is when it's intentional (you don't mind losing part of yourself when you put it out there, now do you? An example of this would be posting questions of answers on WB.SE).
- The food will likely avoid being eaten, based on 1 and 2, however they have (about) human-level intelligence and humans have done pretty crazy things to themselves. What if they decide being eaten is a way to become part of something bigger and better than themselves? In general, humans are more capable, and smarter than them, so the logic would sort of check out there. However, since food can (but doesn't need to) eat, they might also decide to attack humanity and/or declare themselves a superior species to eliminate the threat to them and make humanity realize what they went through for years. Which one is more likely? Or are both equally likely?
As always, I greatly appreciate your input and feedback. Thank you!