A group of people have stumbled into one of those classic fantasy/horror houses where the usual rules of space don't seem to apply and is very confusing. Bits of the building appear to overlap with each over.
Eg. from the front room you walk forwards ten paces and enter the kitchen. Turn left 90 degrees and walk forward another ten paces. Turn left another 90 degrees, walk forward ten paces into the dining room. Finally turn left 90 degrees and walk another 10 paces forward and you end up in the study, not where you started.
You can back track and get back to the front room. The rooms don't move about, there is no way to detect the bits that overlap. The house is very large. Due to the way the rooms overlap there is more volume inside the building than contained by the exterior walls. All the rooms appear to be on the same plane. There is no climbing through holes in the ceiling, or rooms with right hand wall being the ceiling, from the point of view of the door.
Having checked out the house for monsters and finding none they decide to try and make a map to stop them selves getting lost in future. Of course simply drawing rooms on paper becomes a problem. They started to carefully fold and cut layers of paper so where the building overlaps you can fold sheets out of the way to find the layer you are on. Each time they find a new room they end up having to start from scratch to figure out how to get the map to fold correctly to incorporate the new room.
However this has created a very unwieldy map that is very hard to use. Is there a better way to create a map of an area that "overlaps" its self?