More of a theoretical idea but the implications can help with a lot of worlds and ideas.
A no is as welcome as a yes. The most detailed answer is the best as usual.
In many stories set in other worlds or in the future...etc we get super duper massive powerful animals with hide/armor/skin...etc that resists bullets and I'm starting to doubt it.
Evolution is all about fitting the environment and survival and our weapons are all about destroying a specific target general weapon that works in most situations, like automatic rifles.
So. What on earth would naturally develop to resist tank shells let alone missiles and bombs?
What flying creature can match our slowest fighter jets?
This is basically about asking is it possible for any animal, like moving things, to be actually resistant to weapons above mini-guns?
Above mini guns is not like a category I know. But I think you all can get an idea about what I mean. Stuff like missiles and tank guns and artillery...etc
Stories also confuse size with power. Yes Dreadnoughtus existed but can it dodge guided missiles or survive an artillery barrage?
Speed does not matter. I know the movies love showing a lot of bullet dodging but even if an animal can dodge bullet you simply shot more.
Don't get me started on giant monsters and flying monster that are flying by the power of the plot.
So. Are fictional alien creates hostile to sir Newton's laws and a bit of chemistry or can they be almost super destructive predators like we see in the movies?