There are two teams, green team and tan team, who are fighting each other for some reason that's not super important. Both teams consist of human shaped plastic figures about two inches tall and colored the same as their respective team (army men). Each team has mortars, a few tanks, one or two planes, and a bunch of varied infantry (machine guns, rpgs, assault rifles). They are fighting in a house most of the time but will probably move to the outdoors later on.
Now, for the first two months of the fighting the house occupants (small dog, 2 parents, three kids ages 12, 9, and 4) were gone on summer vacation, but now they are back. Due to the new arrivals ability to freeze any of the figures they look at, strategy needs to change considerably.
Some details-
- if a human sees them, they are frozen into a stance that they would be expected to be in (turn into regular army men)
- when killed they turn into regular army men and are just pieces of plastic
- they can take a few hits from humans, but if their shape is distorted they are dead (you can drop it off the balcony and they'll be fine, but shoot it with a BB gun and they're dead)
- tanks are kinda like really slow rc cars with a bunch of armor and guns on top
- planes are faster and can glide to a landing if they get sighted
- they can change the battlefield if nobody is watching (drag a book off the bookshelf to make a barricade, cut a hole in the floor for a secret passageway, etc.)
- night raids are considered immoral and both leaders have agreed to refrain from night attacks
- leaders have agreed that medics can enter battle fields after the fighting and won't be shot
- more available on request if needed
What strategy would these two armies use now that humans are occupying the house?