In my story's world, dragons have been living alongside humans for some time now. Of course, there are hospitals and other medical facilities variable to them. Now, as some of the staff of said facilities are humans, how can they protect themselves from aggressive/panicking/delirious patients? An upset child who is terrified of that needle you're holding is bad enough, but when a (dragon) child is extraordinarily strong and can breathe fire, ice, acid, or poison gas, how do you cope? What can human medical staff handle draconic patients?
I've already figured that staff would probably have various methods of restraint on hand: sedatives, physical restraints, with help from parents and bribery with treats for young ones. Do you have any other ideas for protective gear or magic?
EDIT: It's been brought to my attention that I forgot the time period. This story is set in the BattleTech universe, circa 3135 on an original world that has well-studied and functional high fantasy style magic in addition to all the tech.
EDIT 2: Dragon sizes. An adult dragon weighs an average of 10 tons and is 55-60 feet long from nose to tail tip laid out. Wingspan of around 70 feet.
A wyrmling weighs about 40 pounds, is 8 feet long from nose to tail tip, and has a wingspan of 20 feet.
Juvenile and young adult examples would be in between the two.