So I have a species that has a life expectancy about half that of humans. In antique times, they mostly die around the age of 30 once they’ve passed the challenges of childhood. Their development is halved as well. It turns out they’re also about half the height of humans. True halflings in a way.
They live on a planet which is basically earth but slightly hotter (think just before the Eocene-oligocene glacial), not that I think it matters much.
I’ve not planned on having them breed seasonally. They have an œstrus cycle around 38-40 days.
How likely is it that they developed complex civilisation? They’re still at the Bronze Age, I accounted for about as many generation as humans from the development of fire and basic tools (which was influenced by a creator species which then disappeared and left them alone).
I remember reading about how shorter lifespans would make it difficult for any kind of civilisation because of the lack of specialists, but in the end they are fully mature around the age of 10 or 12 (as opposed to our 20) which still leaves them around 20 years to develop mastery.
Is there any major challenges you can think of? I could not find any in about an hour of research. The most I could find was the difference of mindset in long-lived species like elves as opposed to humans.
Note they are also mostly matrilineal and matriarchal. I had initially designed women as bigger and more of the fighting type although I question that but they are definitely the leaders. I always, however, come back to the issue of dramatic drops in childbirth if women were fighters.