Without a description of the world as a whole, that is not something we can answer and have one best answer. Are we talking a modern-day sci-fi/fantasy type story where we have centuries of science to fall back on for fuelling our minds? Is this the standard preindustrial fantasy where there is not as much scientific enlightenment and something we take for granted today would be an innovative thing?
Using wind to pick up sand and blast a target (a sandblaster) might be creative and devastating for 1600, but it would be basically a super life hack in 2000. Abrasive blasting was patented as a process in 1870 should somebody be curious.
But to try and give an answer, as per the question this is what we know about this variant of aerokinesis
- Wind can be gathered and manipulated in large quantities
- Wind can be compressed into a form that offers more force
- The manipulated wind does not have to harm an object or person and can in fact thep them
- There is no definition of what gasses fall under the wind manipulation umbrella
- From the Comments: Once manipulated into a form, it doesn't take any effort to keep the form.
We perceive sound as vibrating air. A tuning fork for A vibrates itself and the air around it at 440 Hertz. Every second, 440 equal waves are created with enough force to create an audible note. If a user had enough control, then they could create tones and music with nothing but their powers.
Counter to that, resonance with volume can cause some rather impressive destruction. For a tame version, see the stories of singers that can shatter crystal glasses with nothing but their voice. Entire bridges have been felled by wind and resonance style effects before, though engineers do try to prevent that from happening.
Compress and expand the air to create a frequency, then learn to do it fast enough to get the tone that you are looking for. This will take more control than power.
Not going to say Ghosts ...
One is not limited to big things. Using a gust of wind to flip up a skirt randomly, or to force a paper out of someone's hands. If this power can boost someone up, it surely can either trip somebody or impair another's athletic ability just enough for somebody else to catch up to them. A caress with the wind to somebody else, warm or cold depending on your whims. It's all about doing little things that people can explain away as something plausible.
Pawn it off as the Karma Fairy, or ghosts/spirits. Pretend your house is haunted by doing little things with air in your house -- levitating plates and simple manipulations. Pretend to be a medium and use your powers as the spirits of the deceased coming back and let those that come to you run with it.
Be a bit of a prankster with your powers and have some mostly harmless fun. Confusing people by flying a kite on a clear and still day somehow amuses me.
Creativity Through Understanding
Wind is defined as "the perceptible natural movement of the air". So what does that mean? Does this mean that all your user can do is grab at handfuls of air and move it, or does that mean that they have the power to filter out certain parts of the atmosphere by only manipulating specific parts of it? Namely, can they concentrate a particular atmospheric gas by pulling on only it, or exclude it by pulling on everything else? Are you only limited to gasses in the atmosphere, so you can pull on the air, but not technically the pollen in the air even though it is light enough to go for the ride.
The four most common gasses in our atmosphere is nitrogen (as N2), oxygen (as O2), argon (as Ar), and carbon dioxide (CO2). There are other trace gasses, like water vapour, methane, and the noble gasses helium, neon, and krypton to name what I could find after a brief trawl through Wikipedia.
Can this person concentrate the amount of oxygen in an area (by thinning out another area admittedly) to possibly help somebody with trouble breathing in our standard partial pressure of oxygen? Can you concentrate all the CO2 from a large area into one person's room at night and let them suffocate in their sleep, then disperse your control so it looks like they just died during the night?
How does physics reassert itself when a person is done manipulating the wind? Or for that matter while the wind is being manipulated? If I took air from places A, B, and C, and compressing it into a single spot D, how does the wind flow around A, B, and C? Do I get a pressure wave when I let go of my control at D or do I have just a super dense ball of air waiting for the command to pop?
I think a truly creative and/or cunning person will try to find the limits of this power, both in raw power and ability. From there, their temperament and morals come into play as to how they use their newfound knowledge. From neat aspects of their own abilities to figuring out their required secondary powers, it will be those that actually take the time to understand what they can do that can be the most creative with it.