Goal: Achieve a society where the average person is a creative and/or analytical and/or strategic genius and/or physically phenomenal (as measured by our current standards, of course).
Start with a regular extant human society. It can be the United States, North Korea, Sudan, Singapore, anywhere really.
Introduce a (set of) mutation factor(s). It can be a policy change, a scientific breakthrough, a long-term shift in reproductive behavior, or something else you might think relevant. This should be reasoned, reasonable (in the sense that non-insane people would be willing to do it), and strategically viable (it does not go against basic fundamental incentive structures, making people avoid or obviate it somehow).
Explain how the set of mutation factors gains traction and why you think it would result in a society of ubermen.
Notes: I don't think an answer of the type "Just genetically engineer everybody, duh" will satisfy my answer acceptance condition. How would you know what mutations to induce? Can genius be genetically coded, even? Same for "Make the schools better", since the US spends (by world standards) a fortune on its pupils and has mediocre outcomes.