The universe as we know it has ended. The concept of “natural” illumination ended when the last red dwarves and quasars died out. Now, only brown dwarves and blackholes dot the empty void that was once the universe.
Life, still exists! Though, only in big self-sustaining space stations that are running out of fusion fuel. These space stations drift through the void, blindly grasping through the darkness, collecting every atom of hydrogen they could find.
Every now and then, these stations send out manned spaceships capable of FTL. Their mission is to find the few pockets of hydrogen to power their space stations.
Their FTL, isn’t really FTL. It’s more like moving at “normal” speeds (Normal as in .20c). The way it works, is it “folds” the local space-time so the distance they have to travel is much shorter, giving the effect of moving faster than light.
The remaining bits of hydrogen is usually found near blackholes, their gravity-well actually collects them over vast distances. The problem is; There’s literally no point of reference. Since there’s no light, there’s also no way of knowing that a blackhole is there.
Another species however, the Humans, need a blackhole for another reason. These plucky little humans, they made up a competition of who can survive the longest. They went and built a station and filled it up with the best of humanity. Once complete, they want to toss it to within the event horizon of a supermassive black hole. (What they don’t know however is that a new universe is coming, they just need to last long enough, so yay!)
How can I find a blackhole without any points of references or what’s to stop me from colliding into one at maximum speed in this lightless universe?