The SCP (Secure, Contain, Protect) foundation is an organization devoted to the containment of scps: dangerous supernatural anomalies or individuals that pose a threat to humanity's existence. It functions as a privately owned entity, receiving funding and support from wealthy donors and governments around the world. However, it operates without governmental oversight or restriction, allowing it much freedom without accountability.
In recent years, another group has risen to prominence, referred to as the GOC (Global Occult Coalition). While similar to the SCP foundation in it's decree to protect humanity, it has fundamentally different methods and goals. The entity is devoted to the destruction and termination of all supernatural anomalies and individuals, regardless of threat level or neccesity. This stems from an "just in case" mentality, reasoning that these anomalies can never be fully understood and as such will always pose a hazard. Unlike the foundation, it is subject to governmental oversight by the United Nations, making it far more organized but restricted in it's operations and proceedures.
These two groups have often clashed with each other due to their opposing outlooks and goals, which has occasionally led to one stepping on the others turf. This has resulted in violent confrontations at times, which potentially makes a situation worse. Given the situation, it would make the most sense for governments such as the U.S. to pick one over the other.
What would make governments continue to support groups with competing goals when the stakes are so high?