Some time after successfully capturing a dragon, nation A goes to war and brings their newest pet with them.
For various reasons, the dragon is irreplaceable and they can't afford to lose him plus he has human intelligence, so he'd probably freak out if they sent him into possible death.
Thankfully, the dragon's life is only threatened by these specialized ballistas, called scorpions, and only when the dragon is flying low enough to be in the effective range. Though he has to fly that low and simply being there is enough to make him panic and a scared dragon is the most dangerous dragon (as in liability).
are lighter, but still immobile siege equipment with the maximum range of 460 meters. The dragon is safe at maybe half the distance, so 230 meters, without accounting for gravity.
Reloading times have been improved, it's easier to move the weapon around and it also has a greater degree of freedom. Other than that, consider it a standard roman ballista.
A singular scorpion is usually not a problem, the dragon could simply just play with the operator, making him trace his path until he (the operator) dies of cardiac arrest. However, scorpions are usually plentiful and come mounted on the walls of the castle, with some located hidden in the bailey.
The Dragon
Alignment: Neutral Angsty
Size: 2 meters at the shoulders, snout-vent length is 5 meters
Flight speed: 16.3 - 24.9 m/s gliding
Breath weapon: concentrated (0.1-0.2 pH) sulfuric acid, fine-grain spray. The dragon's proteins are stabilized with acidic residue, making him very (but not completely) resistant to the acid
Effective range: 6-9 meters
Carry capacity: The dragon can't carry a lot of stuff with himself, even a skinny human can cause some discomfort.
So, one has to render most scorpions nonoperational to use the dragon.
For this purpose, I wanted to create the Anti-Euron Task Force (ATF), which is tasked with neutralizing scorpions.
And this is where my brainstorm wore off. I don't know how to efficiently deal with and only with the aforementioned scorpion ballistas?
The dragon can be used, as long as he isn't in the 230-meter danger zone.