The title is a bit wonky because I don't know how to properly describe the societal features I am aiming for since there doesn't appear to be a real-world equivalent for this specific concept.
Basically, the human culture of Diggoran ( pronounced Die-Ah-Ran ) has a weird system of weak but intentionally functional family values in which parents or guardians being regularly present is not seen as being essential to a child's wellbeing.
Despite the fact that Diggoran has reached a 2020's to 2040's level of technological development, children are still and commonly raised in a manner similar to pre-industrial, colonial or medieval societies. Specifically, they begin a complex education from an early age and they work from an early age which should result in them being able to functionally take care of themselves by the age of 13. Likewise, they may continue to live with their families ( if present ) until reaching the age of 20.
This conceptual system of child-raising can also be attributed to the romantic and sexual mores of Diggoranic humans.
Diggoranic humans do practice marriage but they recognize it as a purely symbolic and unnecessary tradition that is usually only done by the elite. Diggoranic humans in the Upper middle class to lower classes don't usually practice marriage and they regularly have children either within or outside of a functioning relationship as they don't believe that two present parents are necessary for a child's development.
If you can't tell I'd really like to implement this concept as it will actually help in regards to the main characters of my story but all of my ideas are all over the place and they don't really work together all that well.
Therefore my question is, how should I write this society? Are there some things I should consider? ideas that might work? Or is this concept too stupid to function altogether?
I haven't factored costs into this concept so that might ruin things a bit if they must play an essential role in this concept.
Thank you for any and all help in advance.