Unpredictability, Perceived Danger and Social aspects would still be there. This is why Amusement Parks exist.
If you look at amusement parks today, they are actually places that 'accentuate' emotional experiences. Loud, bright colours, music, food, and rides all combine to create a social place that most people (mainly younger) love.
When looking at the rides themselves they mostly have the following attributes:
- Unpredictability: part of the great experience of riding a roller coaster is the sudden changes of direction, the loop, and the surprise sometimes of doing it backwards unexpectingly. This is part of the thrill, and there is no reason to believe it would be any different in space.
- Perceived Danger: We all remember those moments when we 'think we're going to die'. Although (mostly) safe, amusement park rides put our bodies in perceived danger such that the thrill is overcoming the danger. This is of course applicable in zero gravity environments, but can also be replicated in space (quite easily). Imagine being on a roller coaster and almost hitting a series of free floating asteroids, or pretending a 'blow out' into space.
- Social Aspects: All of the above is the catalyst, but in real life people go to these places to have a good time with each other. It could be a date where couples go to have fun, or friends who want to just 'go somewhere' that is not an 'everyday life' place. Your amusement park is a welcome break from the likely monotony and possible social boredom of space travel.
These attributes are independent of setting, so you could literally have any 'theme' you want, but if you go to any Park today you notice that they are all trying to do these same things.
Zero gravity rides should be combined with food, sound and colour. They need to have danger and need to be unexpected. Perhaps the thrill of going through a rocket engine combined with the danger of it turning on, or a ride that goes through zero-g water blobs, some unexpectedly slimy some tasty, or simply a ride that takes unexpected dodges and turns, all combined with tasty food.